Sunday, April 12, 2009

Barney Miller Episode One


Danke Schoen

Saturday, April 11, 2009

My Twitter Drama Reality Show

mayorsamAn ex-girlfriend calls to tell me her trouble with her current men. She was with one guy for years before she knew he was married. So...

mayorsamthen she hooks up with another guy she met and fell "in love" with and he moves in after a month or so of dating. this was "the one"....

mayorsamthen last night they have a fight and he disappers. So she tells the original guy she'd come back to him IF he promises to get divorced and

mayorsammarry her. In the meantime the new guy finally shows back up but she's kicking him out. Her rationale for dating losers: she's 33 and wants

mayorsamkids. She said "I was hoping something would happen with you (me)." I'm so not going there. I told her she needs to work on HERSELF, stop

mayorsamdating losers and she'll find what she's looking for when she least expects it. It's all about respecting yourself and never settling.

mayorsamBy the way I turned down her offer to be her backup valentine on Valentines' Day

mayorsamAnd I turned down her offer to go out tonight, though I don't have specific plans, I'm looking for a martini or a margarita or both...

mayorsamnot drama.